Register to vote at any ThunderCloud Subs Oct. 11
As they have for more than 20 years, our client ThunderCloud Subs will host voter registration volunteers at all of its shops in Travis County on Tuesday, Oct. 11 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., the last day to register before the November 8 presidential election.
To find the nearest ThunderCloud store, visit
ThunderCloud was one of 15 businesses and organizations recognized by the Travis County Tax Office for their contributions to voter registration efforts at the Celebration of Democracy event last year.
“We’re proud to partner with the Travis County Tax Office to encourage voter registration again this year,” says Patty Sughrue, ThunderCloud chief operational officer. “Voting is one of our most important rights as American citizens, and registering voters at our stores is one of the ways we support our community.”
Bruce Elfant, Travis County tax assessor-collector and voter registrar, expects to register thousands on voters on the Oct. 11 deadline. For more information about voter registration, visit

Pictured: ThunderCloud Subs’ co-owner Patty Sughrue (left) and director of development David Cohen (right) accept voter registration award from Elfant at the county’s Celebration of Democracy event last year.