Now hiring PR Account Coordinator

New job alert! Brenda Thompson Communications is seeking a part-time Public Relations Coordinator in Austin on a contract basis for 10-15 hours per week now through December, 2020, with possibility of continued work. Hours may vary week-to-week; must be available on Thanksgiving Day for mandatory half-day minimum for major client event.

Public Relations Coordinator duties include, but aren’t necessarily limited to:

  • Create social media posts, including writing and graphics
  • Travel around town to take original photos and video (on a smart phone) for social media
  • Recruit and supervise a costumed mascot to take photos on location
  • Assist with on-site events on specific workdays and on Thanksgiving Day
  • Compile client reports on media coverage, social media, and other activities
  • Conduct internet and other research

Public Relations Coordinator experience/skills required for this job:

  • Previous Public Relations Coordinator work experience (internships, professionally)
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced, client service-oriented position
  • Demonstrated mastery of social media platforms
  • Strong writer with grammar, spelling, punctuation proficiency
  • Basic photography and design skills
  • Organized and detail-oriented
  • Demonstrated responsibility and problem-solving abilities

Other things about the Public Relations Coordinator job:

  • $20 per hour, with incentive pay based on performance
  • Flexible work schedule
  • Mostly remote work (meetings via Zoom)
  • Must have all the tech resources required including cell phone and reliable transportation

Please send a letter of interest, resume, references, and one stellar and relevant (to this job) writing sample to